Idea Kraft is Another Year Wiser

Idea Kraft is Another Year Wiser

Idea Kraft TeamDec 18, 2023

This was a big year in many ways, especially with Idea Kraft’s 10-year anniversary celebration in January. But it was also business as usual in many ways: we celebrated victories and learned lessons that are vital to our progress as an agency.

We could quantify how many websites, emails, logos, and brands we developed over the past year. But sometimes smaller numbers about smaller moments can tell a much bigger story about the team we were this year, what we were passionate about, and what motivated us.

Our Year By the Numbers

  • 5 Remote Working Locations
  • 4 In-Person Staff Meetups
  • 1 Office Dog Visit Day
  • 3 New Barbie-Themed Slack Reactions

Idea Kraft Turned 10

We started the year off with a bang at Idea Kraft’s 10-year party! We were so grateful to have almost the entire team, as well as friends, family, and longtime clients, come out to celebrate with us. It was the perfect way to cap off a decade of amazing opportunities and welcome the new ones.

Filming a Skit with BU Students

Erinn, Ashley, and Alyssa spent a whole day at Binghamton University shooting orientation skits written and performed by students. There were wardrobe changes, 4 different skits, and a whole lot of chaotic fun! A groundhog even photobombed them on set.

We Made the Switch to Figma

Making the switch to Figma this year has made our design process a lot easier. For the unfamiliar, Figma is a design tool that lets multiple people work on one design file at the same time. Here at Idea Kraft, we use it to streamline our collaboration on interface design and website prototyping.

Bonding at Day of Caring

We always have a great time participating in United Way’s Day of Caring. This year, we all came together to volunteer for another great cause: getting booklets ready for the Rural Health Network of SCNY to mail. It’s team bonding and community service all in one!

A Rehire & a New Hire

The Idea Kraft team was growing and thriving in 2023! We were thrilled to welcome back Blake Collazo, this time in the new position of New Business Development Manager. We also welcomed Mary Catalfamo, who brings her wordsmithing skills to our team as Content Strategist.

A Very Barbie Halloween

We all became full-fledged Barbie fans in 2023, so this year’s group Halloween costume practically picked itself. We all had a blast getting together for an office party and dressing up as the Barbie, Ken, or Allan that spoke to us. Of course, a photoshoot and plenty of silly antics ensued.

Jobs Well Done

Last but certainly not least: We worked with several new clients on exciting branding, website, and marketing projects. We’re very thankful for their professional collaboration and the trust they put in us. Here are a few of the brands we started partnerships with this past year:

& Many more

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