A Better Blueprint: Revitalizing the Broome County Land Bank Website
The Broome County Land Bank (BCLB) takes abandoned, derelict properties and develops them for the market, contributing both valuable real estate and a valuable example of rural revitalization.
Making the BCLB’s Impact Known.
The BCLB’s work attracts everyone from contractors and consultants to buyers looking for affordable properties and vacant lots. To continue to grow the organization, awareness of what the BCLB does and the impact they’ve already made was going to be integral.
The Idea Kraft team set out to create a website that illustrates the direct connection between the BCLB’s past projects and positive development in the area – with avenues for purchasing property or getting involved in grant and capital projects always close at hand.
Designing for Changing Content.
With an ever evolving roster of projects, the BCLB website would need a framework fluid enough to showcase their work in a consistent and accessible format. It would also be critical to contextualize those projects with information about the BCLB’s impact and their programs.
So our team got to work on a design that would allow the BCLB to seamlessly add new listings, bids, and grants while retaining a cohesive and recognizable brand identity.
Mapping the Future of BCLB.
Their property map was in need of a front and backend update. Our team streamlined the data to create a highly responsive map featuring the BCLB’s active listings alongside past projects. The new interface, as well as a convenient before-and-after slider, makes browsing property after property as easy and satisfying as possible.
And if a prospective buyer finds their dream property is up for sale? Everything from the full listing to the application requirements is never more than a click away.
A Better Digital Blueprint.
Our team aimed to create that same seamless journey for each one of the BCLB’s audiences, including buyers, contractors, and anyone looking to submit a project idea. That required an overhaul of website navigation organized by priority and user needs.
Their former website didn’t utilize dropdown navigation, making it difficult for visitors to find the information they needed or predict what they might be able to find. Displaying each initiative as a subpage – on the other hand – optimizes the user experience and increases awareness of what the BCLB offers.
The site also had to make it easy for house hunters to jump from listing to listing and from application to application. Our web team added live listings, as well as strategically placed jump links (anchor links) and calls to action so visitors won’t forget to take important actions as they browse.
A New Look, Same Innovative Organization.
This wasn’t Idea Kraft’s first time working with a public authority. We know how to stay within government regulations and think outside the box, especially when it comes to creating a distinct visual look.
Our web design process in this case incorporated plenty of white and neutral space to call attention to the impact statistics and core messages that raise brand awareness. There are also moving elements throughout the homepage, from a circular spinning button to an interactive before and after slider.
All sections flow naturally into one another and only present as much information as a visitor can easily absorb at a time. Especially compared to their last text-heavy layout, the new design feels much lighter and organized with distinct sections.
A Fully Renovated Website for the Property Renovator.
The final result is more than a polished portfolio of active listings and past projects; it’s a valuable resource for the community and a dynamic framework for promoting the BCLB’s bids, grants, and capital projects. Its refreshed web design preserves the essence of the organization’s identity with an impactful, polished new look.
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