These are the 5 top digital marketing trends to watch in 2023

These are the 5 top digital marketing trends to watch in 2023

Torie FinchJan 20, 2023


The digital marketing trends of 2023 will have us going boldly where man hasn’t gone before. Digital trends are taking us virtual, moving our world through augmented reality, and reinventing how we tell stories. While exploring, marketers will have to balance these new experiences with the proven value of standard marketing practices to stand out. As always, the team at Idea Kraft is here to help you navigate the digital landscape with our top 5 digital trends for 2023

Trend #1: TikTok’s Not a Challenge

One of the most significant signs that Tik Tok was becoming a big deal was when Instagram announced that they would add short-form videos (reels), and Youtube followed suit. TikTok changed the game. Snack-sized content is what the masses want, and if you want to keep them coming back, you’ll give it to them. But your audience demographics don’t include teens, you say. Well, 53% of Tik Tok users in the US are over 30, and that number is growing. You will reach your audience. Even better, that same video you post to TikTok can be added to youtube shorts and Instagram reels, extending your reach and growing your audience. You can start by offering quick tips, explaining a complex idea, or showing a great product. You don’t have to have major equipment or shoot from the Grand Canyon. All you need is a phone and a message, so get started.

Trend #2: Art of Artificial Intelligence

For years, movies have influenced our idea of artificial intelligence. The mind automatically goes to blue and red pills, adorable child-like robots, or deadly androids. There is also a fear of being replaced or declared “obsolete,” to quote a Twilight Zone episode. In actuality, we have been living with AI for quite some time, and there is no need to fear. It’s a valuable tool. AI can be handy whether it’s Alexa or Siri providing instruction or a program helping to expedite content creation. Many companies are using it to create better experiences for their audiences. Having someone develop your materials can be costly if you are a small business. Software like Canva, Writer, and Grammarly uses AI technology to assist your team in the creation of the items you need to promote your business. Keeping small projects in-house can help means you can save up and get outside help on your major campaigns.

Trend #3: Business is so Meta

Mark Zuckerberg sees us spending more time in digital spaces. Whether that means people are using Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented reality (AR), or social media in Web3, he’s prepared for every eventuality by creating the Metaverse. It’s no secret that big brands like Nike, Disney, and Louis Vuitton are investing in the Metaverse, but many don’t realize that smaller businesses can also benefit. The immersive experience of the Metaverse creates new ways for companies to engage customers, optimize employee training, and build communities. In the Metaverse, you can find creative advertising methods by entering the gaming arena. No longer limited by location, your store may exist in a small town but be patronized by people worldwide. Moving beyond a brick-and-mortar store, you can create a personalized space–at a lower price–where consumers can try your merchandise anytime and anywhere. Entrepreneur magazine suggests exploring the Metaverse now for the first-mover advantage, which will give intrepid companies an edge over their competition. This year, test options like gaming ads or virtual product placement to decide if you want to move into the Metaverse.

Trend #4: User Experience

Your message can only reach your audience if you invest time in creating a better user experience. Each year, Google’s Core Web Vitals focuses on load ability, responsiveness, and visual stability. This year Google added the Helpful Content Report as a guide for creating better content for users. The main idea: Create content that people are looking for instead of designing for algorithms. Helpful tips: Keep the first word in SEO (search) in mind and create content that provides the answers people are searching for. You can keep visitors on your website and away from competitors by making information readily available in FAQs and providing clear messaging about who you are and what you offer on your homepage. Keep your content relevant and the experience of visiting your page enjoyable.

Trend #5: Fundamental Marketing

It’s essential to keep up with the trends as digital media evolves. But basic elements like SEO, digital ads, and especially emails are still the gold mine of marketing. The development of new realms of technology is fascinating, but the fundamental elements of marketing are critical to a solid foundation for your business. The elements of marketing make the most significant difference in engagement and results. This year, stay focused on optimizing content, personalizing emails, and creating a more user-friendly website.

Wrap Up

Move forward fearlessly into new realms of digital media. 2023 is the time to learn and adapt to share your world with a broader audience and grow a community. But you don’t have to navigate the unknown alone. We can guide you in using these trends to your advantage while maintaining the foundation on which you built your brand. It’s what we love to do!

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