10 tips to keep your spirits high in an uncertain time

10 tips to keep your spirits high in an uncertain time

Idea Kraft TeamMar 27, 2020

Self isolation and working from home may have sounded ideal at first, but after a few days even us homebodies can begin to go a little stir crazy. Escaping from the news and allowing yourself a few hours or even a few minutes every day to engage in creative or active activities will keep us all a little bit more sane as we get through this tough time together. Quarantining inside your house can become a little monotonous, so we’ve compiled a list of some activities to keep your spirits up and your antsy side occupied.

Although this can be a hard and uncertain time for everyone, it is important that we try and keep our spirits high and make the best out of our situation. Lean on friends for emotional support, take care of yourself both mind and body and we will get through this together.

Everyone at Idea Kraft is wishing you and your family well!

1 – Explore the outdoors!

Start your day with a morning walk or take an afternoon break to explore the great outdoors! As the weather begins to warm up and the sun comes out, it is a great time to explore rail trails, nature preserves and parks. Breathe in the fresh air, soak up the vitamin D and appreciate the beauty of the outdoors – it’s a sure mood booster!

2 – Get your endorphins pumping!

Working out, although may sound a bit daunting at first, releases endorphins and can quickly transform your mood! There are hundreds of different free workout videos circling YouTube, everything from a cardio dance class to 15 minute abs. Get moving and indulge in the iconic post workout bliss.

3 – Relax and breath

Tensions are running high and feeling anxious from the current situation is normal. Trying new meditation techniques or following along a YouTube yoga tutorial can calm your nerves and put your mind at ease. For a quick daily meditation, try breathing deeply after waking up and before bed to relax your mind and body.

4 – Get a head start on spring cleaning!

The first day of spring (March 19th) definitely crept up on us, but that can only mean one thing! Spring cleaning! Finally get around to cleaning that cluttered room, corner or closet in your house that you’ve been saving for a rainy day. Organize and purge your closet, making bags of clothes to donate – a great activity to feel a sense of purpose when we can feel helpless at times! For a less intense organizational activity – edit and organize the photos on your computer and phone or tackle that box of old pictures that needs to be organized into albums or scanned into the computer.

5 – Express your creativity!

Our creative side can often get lost in our busy day to day lives between school, work and social obligations. Now’s the time to tune into your artsy side and get your creative juices flowing. Start a daily journal, write a short story or break out those colored pencils and start sketching!

6 – Get cooking!

Now is a great time to experiment with all those intricate recipes you’ve pinned on Pinterest throughout the year. Dust off your rolling pin and stand mixer to whip up a batch of classic chocolate chip cookies or get a little more advanced and use your pantry staples to create a satisfying dinner!

7 – “Attend” a concert!

Concert halls may have been closed to the public, but many places are streaming live concerts that you can enjoy from the comfort of your home. Various different musicians are taking to social media to provide free entertainment to their fans. Musicians from all different genres spanning from rock to classical music are providing different forms of live music to satisfy your concert craving. Click here to access a great website we found that features a daily updated schedule of different online concerts and how to access them.

8 – Start a TV series or a new book!

Many of us don’t have much time to watch the hot new Netflix original or go to the movies to see the most popular blockbuster. So now’s our chance to binge watch that show you’ve been wanting to see, or finally see that movie you missed at the theaters. Or, perhaps cozying up with a good book is more up your alley. Find that book you started ages ago and haven’t gotten around to finish. So grab a bowl of popcorn, a cozy blanket and your favorite place on the couch, turn on the TV or grab your book and enjoy a little extra free time!

9 – Support small businesses!

Supporting small business during this time is extremely important. Take some time to buy a gift card at your favorite local bookstore or order takeout from a restaurant nearby.

10 – Discover or Rediscover a hobby!

Hobbies are a great way to spend our time and do something that we enjoy. Perhaps you have been busy recently and haven’t had time to participate in your favorite hobby. Or maybe you haven’t even had time to pick up a hobby! Here at Idea Kraft, we love to read, bake, sketch, and rock climb in our free time! Now is also a great time to pick up a new skill like learning a new language or learn how to knit!

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