Revamping the JCCGCI website: When quantity meets quality

Revamping the JCCGCI website: When quantity meets quality

Alaina GardnerAug 3, 2018

The Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney (JCCGCI) has provided vital health and social services throughout New York City for over 40 years. However, as the organization grew, the website couldn’t keep up. They couldn’t add new photos, update their service pages or truly show the community all that they do. Through consistent communication, we collaborated with this dedicated nonprofit to revamp their content and create a functioning website.

The Logo

JCCGCI’s tagline, “A community-based organization with a citywide impact,” served as the backbone for our design. The new logo visualizes their citywide scope through the NYC skyline, and even appears as a design motif throughout the site. Scrapping their uninviting red color scheme, we implemented a bolder and more modern blue pallet that felt serious, but friendly.

The nonprofit also wanted to communicate that their services aren’t just available to the Jewish community, but to members of all backgrounds and religions as well. We took the focus away from their full name and use the initialism (JCCGCI) as a point of reference in both the logo and the copy.

The Content

While the site was difficult for staff to manage, it also discouraged JCCGCI’s target audience: those in need, and donors. Competing menus scrambled content, and donors had to take cumbersome off-site steps to complete transactions. Site visitors looking for help, such as the elderly and those without English fluency, could feel overwhelmed navigating the duplicate and sometimes inaccurate information.

Modifying the layout and the copy was, therefore, a simultaneous process. Because every service page was completely rewritten, our content and web team needed to work on the sitemap together to streamline this new content. The homepage now guides visitors through their latest achievements, showcases up-to-date photos and encourages donation with a clear hierarchy.

We always rebuild sites to meet Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standards and make sure they’re practical for long-term use. Having a comprehensive web presence allows JCCGCI to better serve their community and facilitate internal growth. This project reinforces our belief that a website is a living, breathing thing, and we can’t wait to get working on the rest of their rebrand!



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