A Polished Intranet for Progressive Dental

A Polished Intranet for Progressive Dental

Mary Catalfamo and Josh WahilaMar 29, 2024

With a personal and gentle approach to dental care, Progressive Dental aims to take the anxiety out of going to the dentist for patients across New York and Pennsylvania.

But they came to Idea Kraft with a toothache of their own: an intranet that was well past its prime and no longer able to support the demands of a modern dental practice with multiple locations. Progressive Dental wanted to give their staff an internal site that adapts to their needs – not the other way around.

Intranet Issues

Their old intranet made it difficult to find and reference previously uploaded documents. It also wasn’t easy for management to effectively highlight urgent updates. Occasional glitches resulting from outdated plugins and an old WordPress theme added to the difficult user experience.

Beyond its functional hiccups, their intranet did little to connect employees. Progressive Dental wanted their intranet to be a place employees could interact with each other, not just be talked to. With those pain points in mind, Idea Kraft started building a plan to expand what the site could do to organically boost engagement and morale.


  • Give users a place to post
  • Enhance design & personalization
  • Better reflect company culture
  • Update the backend of the site
  • Reorganize site map by department

Laying the Foundation

Intranets are referential tools. Documents and other important updates need to be easy to upload and find.

For Progressive Dental, a new WordPress theme would ensure the site functioned better in the short and long term. We started by identifying all of the content that needed to be preserved before carrying it over to the new theme.

Progressive Dental had been using their intranet for a while, so carefully transfering all of the pages, plugins, and users was an important first step – both for the update and for the future of their website.

With a new theme successfully installed, the intranet was already looking and functioning much better. Our web development team used UX principles to fulfill Progressive Dental’s request to restructure the site, making it more intuitive and organized by department.

Fine Tuning the Forum

The updated theme gave us the foundation we needed to start incorporating new functionality, like the staff spotlight section.

Previously, Progressive Dental’s staff had to manually update the staff spotlight content in order to highlight employees who’ve gone above and beyond in their roles. Our web development team added automation that makes it easier to recognize a job well done and show appreciation.

In addition to making conversations between coworkers easier, our team added the ability to use personal avatars throughout the site. Progressive web apps were also added so the intranet could be installed as a mobile app, making it easier for staff to access the intranet on the go.

These personal touches made the site feel less like a digital filing cabinet and more like a forum for coworkers to interact outside the workplace.

Let’s Bring Your Intranet Up to Speed.

Investing in your brand’s internal capabilities is an investment in the long-term success of your business and its staff. Idea Kraft has more than 10 years of experience designing and developing internal and external sites for brands of all sizes.

Our boutique agency is committed to building custom solutions that eliminate inefficiencies, so you can focus on growing what it is you do best. Get in touch with us to schedule a consultation and tell us how we can help.

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