Trust Us, Try It: 360° product photography, hyper-custom content marketing and more

Trust Us, Try It: 360° product photography, hyper-custom content marketing and more

Macon RichardsonOct 26, 2021

Whether you’re a Fortune 500 company or small nonprofit, marketing success requires adaptability and innovation. This is especially true in today’s crowded attention-economy, where even the highest-performing tactics quickly grow stale. If you’re struggling to keep things fresh, you’re not alone. Coming up with a deep well of new ideas (and good ideas, at that!) takes practice, trial and error and being current on the latest industry trends.

If you’re looking for some inspiration — either novel or tried and true — keep reading for four industry trends in practice recommended by the Idea Kraft team. See an idea you love? We can help you apply it to your brand! That’s what we’re here for, after all.

The 360° product photography on

Recommended by Alaina Gardner, Head of UX/UI Development.
Buying online is completely different than buying in-store. Customers can’t touch or pick up products— they rely on product photography to inform their buying decisions. According to e-comm giant Shopify, 60% of online shoppers prefer product images with 360° views, because the feature lets them interact with every inch of a product even when they can’t touch it. Still unconvinced 360° product photography is worth the investment? Square has reported that 360° images increase conversion rates by 30%, cut return rates by 50% and make it more likely that your buyers will share positive reviews.

The bold and whimsical branding of @drinkingwithchickens.

Recommended by Ashley Depew, Office Manager.
The patterns, the colors, the fun— the sheer uniqueness of this brand! The art direction is playful, surprising and rich with color. You can instantly tell that each post is created with a specific purpose in mind— and it’s working. The bold branding and storytelling keeps you swiping and liking— until you realize you’ve been looking at color coordinated chickens and cocktails for the better part of an hour.

A top-notch retention email from Peloton.

Recommended by Macon Richardson, Marketing Coordinator.
Peloton understood early on that the bike isn’t what they’re selling, it’s the experience. The relationship that users have with instructors is a core part of the business model, and Peloton’s content marketing smartly leverages that bond to achieve an insane retention rate of 96% (yes, you read that right!). Take for example the below marketing email. Peloton knew Rachel wanted to hit 100 workouts, and being close to that threshold triggered an email with a cameo-style video shoutout from her most-taken instructor. It’s personalized touches like this that differentiate a cult brand from the competition!

The use of video on

Recommended by Blake Collazo, Project Manager.
Rios hooks your attention with a dynamic, full-screen video reel the second you land on their homepage. The video draws me in and makes me want to scroll, click and see more— and according to research, I’m not the only one. Including a video on your landing page can increase your conversion rate by a whopping 80%.

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